Like a Bandit

Wow! Dumpster diving rocks!!

Okay, okay, I didn't actually dumpster dive, but the house director put a big ol' box of unwanted (and disgustingly unclean) kitchen items in the lobby today and said, "Have at it."

And boy did I ever.

Here's what I walked away with:

  • Two heavy-bottomed sauce pans, different sizes
  • One frying pan
  • One bread pan
  • One 8"x8" pan
  • One muffin pan
  • One blender that's so old, it has wood paneling and the electrical prongs are the same size
Whoo hoo!

Sure, as I mentioned above, they were pretty grody (I think I'll have to soak the blender in bleach water before I actually use it), I got a good work out getting most of the items clean, and they're not the prettiest, matchy-matchiest of things, but they work, so it was totally worth it.

Can you believe I heard one of the girls in the dorm say she looked through the box and, since everything was so grimy, she lost interest. Man, when EJ and I get married, we're not exactly going to be rolling in dough, so, a little elbow grease is cheaper than anything we'll have to buy!

For serious, guys. For serious. =P


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