Das Español!
So I'm taking Spanish 101 just for kicks and giggles this semester - and, surprisingly, it is actually affording me plenty of laughs. I've studied German for the past seven years and it's been rather difficult to break the habit of automatically thinking in German whenever *any* foreign language is brought up.
For instance, we're learning numbers up to 30 in Spanish right now and some of the exercises include simple adding and subtracting.
So, for a problem like 2+4=6, my initial thought process goes something like this:
dos plus vier son sechs*
Throw that into a translator and see what it spits out. >.<
* 'dos' = '2' (Span.)
'plus' = '+' (Germ.)
'vier' = '4' (Germ.)
'son' = '=' (Span.)
'sechs' = '6' (Germ.)
For instance, we're learning numbers up to 30 in Spanish right now and some of the exercises include simple adding and subtracting.
So, for a problem like 2+4=6, my initial thought process goes something like this:
dos plus vier son sechs*
Throw that into a translator and see what it spits out. >.<
* 'dos' = '2' (Span.)
'plus' = '+' (Germ.)
'vier' = '4' (Germ.)
'son' = '=' (Span.)
'sechs' = '6' (Germ.)