The Flip Side of Anti-Feminism

Ugh, it seems I have to monitor my consumption of anti-feminist texts just as carefully as I do any other media outlet, though for slightly different reasons.

Yes, I wish I could have stayed home instead of going to college, I wish my dad was the strong Christian patriarch of our household and my mother his adoring, submissive Queen of the Home - but, the fact remains, I am here at college and they are neither of those things. I have to make do with, and even flourish under, circumstances as they are - and sowing discontent by constantly stuffing my mind full of the ideal rather than facing reality in a Godly fashion has to be just as much of a sin as someone maintaining a "holier-than-thou" attitude because they have those things described.

Truth be told, I wasn't ready to stay home at age 18. I need to be honest with myself. The change God has wrought in my heart has only really come about in the last couple of months. The way my parents raised me and the way they live their lives is simply not conducive to a daughter remaining at, and learning from, home. (That's another way of saying they won't let me come home.) I suppose one could say that God worked a miracle by leading me to choose a small, conservative college which respected traditional values (including how men should treat women), lessening the negative aspects of my parent's influence over me, and allowing Him to work a slow and painful change in my very being. I'm not saying this was the best way, simply that God knows what he is doing and can take what is not good and turn it into something beautiful.

It's helpful to remember one's actual past rather than what one wishes were their past. Regret won't get me anywhere. There's nothing I can do to change what is already happened and, indeed, I can't change my immediate future either, so I'm trusting in the Lord to deal with things as He sees fit and not to let me wallow in self-pity.


EDIT: I love my parents. Even though we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, I still strive to be a Godly daughter - their Godly daughter. (But, all too often, I have to say "Thank goodness for Grace!")


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