Sleeeeeeeeeep. -_-;

I really need to work on re-adjusting my sleep schedule. My job at the hospital requires me to be up and about at 5:00 am every Mon, Wed, and Fri. Unfortunately, I'm definitely a night person and love to stay awake until midnight or later. It's kind of weird actually; I can be super tired all day long, but when the clock strikes 9:00 pm, it's like a mental caffeine bomb goes off in my head and I feel more awake than ever. Because of this, I stay up far later than I should on nights where I have to work in the morning and on the nights where I don't have to worry about the alarm clock, I will stay awake until my eyes begin to tear up. Lately, I've been experiencing insomnia, where I will lie awake in bed for three or more hours trying to fall asleep and wind up getting maybe only four hours of fitful-at-best shut eye before having to get up for work. Despite this, my body still does not like going to bed.

So, what's a gal to do?

I think I'm going to force myself to go to bed at 9:30 pm from now on and wake up at 8:00 am on my days off. Why have a set time to wake up? I find that I get more accomplished if I wake up with a purpose and, to that end, an alarm clock seems to have a good psychological effect. Perhaps if I just lay in bed with some soothing music playing softly in the background it will help lull me to sleep.

Watching what I eat and drink in the hours before bedtime should help as well. I've not been as vigilant about that as I be and have been known to consume fully caffeinated coffee or a plate of carbs after 6 pm. (I know, I know, you don't have to shake your head in exasperation.) So, with the help of God, hopefully I'll be able to combat my insomnia and establish a semi-normal sleep cycle. My body is strange and I haven't figured out just what the ideal amount of sleep for me is; I think it's nine hours a night, but I'm not positive. We shall see. =)

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
And if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Guard me Jesus through the night,
And wake me with the morning light.


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